
Monday, January 17, 2011

that's just the way it is...

Today I'm linking up with the Decor Chick for her read that right.
Real homes.
Real messes.
Real life.

So often, the pics of my neatly organized rooms are a big fat lie.
I've usually just thrown something in the closets or taken stuff off of the tables and (gasp) thrown it on the floor so that my pics of the room looked all clean & organized.

Not the case, my friends.
I loved Decor Chick's concept from the moment I read about it.

This is our house- as it usually is.
Messy/lived in/toys on the floor/piles of clean & dirty laundry


dishes piled in the sink and on the 50 year-old counter tops...

There's a table somewhere in there...

this is what you do when you don't have a laundry room.

Remember when I cleaned and completely organized this room HERE?
this is what it usually looks like, and yes- we keep a stroller in the house. It works for us.

the girls room.

MM's crib is a holding cell for clean laundry waiting to be put away.

good gravy.
that's our master bedroom.
can't believe I'm showing these to the internet.

Oliver's room isn't all that bad.
way to go, bud!

wowza what a mess.
bath time baby, E's pjs, towels...
not to mention the horribly dated bathroom.
Tell me- does the big mess detract from the pepto-pink & green?

the hubs man cave

and speakin of the hubs...
guess what he started Friday night?

that's right.
ripping out the kitchen.
It's one of our goals this year to update the kitchen in our home which has only undergone minimal changes since 1960. It's like it's only had its lips plumped but it really needs an entire face lift, ya know?
The face lift is coming.
I'm giddy about it.

So there's our house, as it was Friday evening.
didn't pick up (or throw) a single thing.
it's all there for you to see.
even that diaper on the bathroom counter-
anyone catch that?


  1. Your living room looks like a fun place for the kids!!! I love the green wall color!!!!

  2. I love that green paint color too. I also love the huge kitchen sink. Looking forward to seeing your progress with the kitchen.

  3. Even "messy" your home is lovely! You are much Braver than I am.......I only had it in me to show one room........truth is, my bedroom is almost as bad as my Daughter's!!! Can't wait to see the kitchen! Blessings Paula <3

  4. My Alie would LOVE your living room!! I'm visiting from DecorChick! I love this link party!! It's so nice to know we aren't alone!!! :)

  5. I love it!! Makes me feel more normal when I look around my house. And you do have a lovely home.

  6. It's awesome to see how other peoples' homes look compared to mine; it makes me feel better about not being anal retentive about mine! BTW, what color did you use in your bedrooms? It's so nice!

  7. Oh Mary, I love you. Your post was totally awesome and made me laugh. I just noticed in my pic of our master closet I have a bra on the floor. Nice. I love seeing lived-in homes. You rock! Thanks so much for linking up. :)

  8. Awesome ... these posts are CRACKING me up! Love it! BTW - I had to do a double take of the living room, I thought maybe you had a daycare, but then I just realized you must be an AWESOME mom who has AWESOME toys for their kids!

  9. Thanks for the reality check - it was refreshing and real!
    Stacey :o)

  10. Your house is still super cute! I found you from Decor Chick - and thanks for being brave along with the rest of us!

  11. Nope, didn't even see the diaper on the counter.

    Your dining table looks just like mine...covered with stuff. lol

  12. Thanks for posting!
    Funny how other people's messes don't EVER look as bad as your own!


  13. Looking forward to the kitchen remodel. Are you going to make it look like every other kitchen? There are only two you know: "dark, granite, stainless" and "white, aqua and granite" ;)

    We have a 1959 ranch with the original sink (just like yours) and formica countertops. We did put in new flooring, but I'm morally opposed to making a classic ranch look like a 2011 hottie. It's just not right! Mine is so traditional that granite and stainless would look ridiculous!

    So can't wait to see what you pick!!!! It'll be like trying it on for size.
