
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Kitchen reno: week 5

Happy Tuesday friends!
I have just a few moments to spare today before school starts back tomorrow,
I wanted to give you a quick update on our kitchen progress-

In last week's update, I mentioned we picked out a new door.
We originally set out to find one similar to the old one that was broken and didn't lock without a key, however, Lowe's was out of that particular door and since we weren't willing to go home door-less, we picked a different type and I'm

A new door may not be a big deal to some, but when you've been living with a 50+ year old door with broken glass and a bad paint job, it makes a world of difference.

See those locks?
They're gawgeousssss.
And, there's no more slammage
 (that's a word)
and, I can see small kiddos on the other side now since the glass goes all the way down. I can also see the playground in the backyard.
Ok...I think you get my point.
I love the door.
Moving on.

Since Sean, the drywall guy, was coming on Monday, we had to say goodbye to the last remaining section of our cabinets.
And the sink.
And the dishwasher.

Here's hoping that our new sink is here before we go through 200 plates, 86 bowls, 150 spoons, forks, and knives, and 200 cups. That's not too much to ask-

A few of the hubs friends came over to help with this last bit of demo,
and to watch his big honkin' tv.

Eliza wanted to help as well...

And as you can see,
no plumbers crack here, folks.

Bye bye kitchen from the 60's!

the hubs is directing his workers.
With a drumstick.

And just like that-
it was gone with the wind...

Since there are several plugs in the kitchen that do absolutely nothing, the hubs took to the walls with a sharpie to let Sean know which ones to keep and which ones to cover.

Each of the plugs/switches will also be going from black to white-

Here's one last look at the paneled kitchen on Sunday night.

And here's Sean on Monday morning,
working his drywall magic.

Instead of stripping everything down to the studs, he's installing 1/2" drywall over the panelling. It meant a heckuva lot less demo for us and will still result in a beautiful panel-less kitchen.

Here's what the nekkid laundry wall looked like before:

And now after:

No more washer & dryer in the kitchen!
Well, technically, it's still in there, but now it will have its own little closet.

The hubs and the dad finished framing the laundry closet last night-
so lucky to have such handy men in the family.
We've literally saved thousands of dollars by doing all of the demo/framing ourselves. And when I say, "ourselves", I of course mean the hubs and the dad.

Now the laundry closet is completely framed, wired for a light, and ready for more drywall:

So, that's our kitchen news for now. Our cabinets were shipped yesterday which will put them here before the end of the week. In the meantime, there's lots of muddin' and paintin' to be done.

our school starts back tomorrow.
Can't wait to stay up all night painting and go straight into work.
That's gonna rock.
The Help opens tomorrow night,
which means I'll need to see it tomorrow night.
Coffee is my BFF.
I had 6 cups yesterday.
Yup, 6.
What did you think of Design Star?
Cathy is a ridiculous person.
She covered every single square inch of space in that kitchen with a vase or a bowl full of STUFF.
I was sad to see Tyler go-
What are your thoughts on last night's episode?
Do tell....

I'll be back tomorrow (if I haven't keeled over) with some back to school pics for you. I have a big 1st grader now, ya know. Also planning to share a new etsy shop that a friend of mine just opened.
Until then-
have a great day!

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