
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

2011 Halloween Decor

Halloween decor.
I loves me some black + orange strewn about the walls and table tops and whatnots. Almost as much as I loves me some Christmas decor, but nothing tops a nativity, am I right? Christmas wins, but Halloween is a close second. Not that we go all 'ghoulish' with the ghosts and goblins and creepies and yuckies. No, we're not of the scary-spooky-make-small-children-cry type of Halloween around here, not at all. But the subtle spiders and the flying bats and the perky pumpkins?
That's us.
Here's a peek at how I subtly spookified our hizzy this year-

No, I didn't lose my mind and paint 'Happy Halloween' on the wall. I picked up two large rolls of vinyl decals at the after Halloween sale last year at Target and Oliver and I went to town with those babies. Handing my 6-year old a sheet of stickers and telling him "it's okay to put these on the wall", was pretty much equal to me giving him 3 cupcakes, 2 pixie sticks, and a red bull.
Crazy-happy-hyperactivity ensued.
The best kind.

Yes, more creepy cloth.

Love this picture of O running through the pumpkin patch last year.

Want to see what made O excited to help me even before I pulled the stickers out? It was this...

A plastic spider that he found in his room. He immediately came to me and said it would make an awesome decoration.
And so it has.

Traveling from the foyer to the dining room,
you guessed it,
more stickers.

And really, who doesn't want bats flying out of their bridal portrait?

Since Oliver couldn't quite reach that high, he opted to put his pumpkins here.
Yes, that's a Hi-C juice box in the doorway.
Just couldn't be bothered to pick it up, what with my picture-taking and all...

Stepping into the Living Room/playroom, this is now the scene, even though I'd only just finished my Fall mantel last week.

Again, couldn't be bothered to bend all the way down to pick up that light saber.

Bats flying out of the lamps?
Sounds good to me.

Also pulled out my 'Got Candy' banner from last year.
So glad it survived an entire year in the top of the pantry.
The banner was inspired by Shelly's lovely Halloween decor-
just a bit of brown craft paper and letters printed on cardstock.

O added more creepy crawlies to the fireplace,

and to the back door-

and the black sparkle pumpkins are from the dollah spot at Target, even though they're actually 2.50. It's the only moolah I spent this year on decor, so I'm okay with it.

And in other news,
I added two new Missoni items to my collection.
It's a sickness I tell you...
This is the throw my aunt picked up for me at her Target in TN-
Isn't it gawgeous??
(And yes, I finally got around to cleaning off the dining room table. No more craft explosions going on in there.)

The other Missoni I picked up is kinda, well....
As in underoos, and a tee-tiny lil' tank.
Black and white zigs.

I'm really hoping to list the items I came home with from the craft fair on etsy this week. I've been told it's super easy, so I'm clinging to that...
Here's one of the larger wired memo boards that I put in the loo to hold some of my jewels-

Love it.
Don't you want one too?

Also have lots of pins + headbands, like the one I put on my lil' cutie last night at dinner. She thought she looked smashing.

So- that's a little bit of Halloween decor with some random thrown in. I was also curious to see what my mantel looked like last year since I couldn't quite remember... so I pulled up a pic:

WAY different.
Also, busier- yes?
And the gold could-be-used-as-weapons log holders were there.
Ah well...

 I hope you're having a fabulous day whenever it is that you read this! O and I are going on a field trip tomorrow (thursday) and I think I'm as excited as he is.

Happy Wednesday, friends!

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Categorically Crafting at Someday Crafts,

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