
Friday, July 8, 2011

What we've been up to besides throwing parties and ripping up the kitchen

we've actually had more going on than just a kitchen reno and 2 birthday parties in 1 (here and here), so I'm going to play a little catch-up...
Sunday night-
2 kiddos wanted to camp out in the foyer-

1 of those kiddos didn't quite fit inside the tent...


Swimming lessons continued last week for O.
He's become a total fish-
love love love that he's enjoyed swimming so much this summer.

morning cartoon time-
babe in the pack-n-play,
E and O watching from the ottoman.

O is adjusting his swim goggles backwards on his face-
only he knows why...
and see those pretty new pillows on the sofa back there?
I made 3 of them- post on that coming next week!


Did a lil' swimming on the 4th at Clay's aunt's house-

MM did a lil' swingin' with Maw Maw-

and a lil' loungin' in my lap-

And here's what the 45 minute car ride was like-

O had a swim meet + family night on Tuesday-

SO proud of all he's learned this summer.
Also loving how cute he is in those goggles that smoosh his ears down...


We drove straight to the ballpark after the swim meet (with a quick stop at Little Ceasar's for some $5 pizzas in between) to catch Alberta's last game of the season.

They took home 2nd place!
Great job guys!

Here's a team pic without big giant cardboard heads...

Here's a team pic with big giant cardboard heads in air...

and here's a team pic with big giant cardboard heads in hand.

And there's one of my lil' cuties holding Daddy's hand.
Two very cute behinds right there folks.


And today, O had his last swim lesson of the summer.
Wowza how the last 3 weeks have flown...

And that's what we've been up to.
Now if you'll excuse me,
I've got to get back to tearing apart the kitchen...
Happy Friday, friends!

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