Last night we ate at my in-law's house. Yummy funeral casserole, but no one died (that we knew). It's just a yummy concoction of noodles and meat and cheese and I'm sure a few other things that my MIL usually makes to carry to a family when someone has died, hence the name. We had a little twister action going on after supper.
This is Kent, the hubs bro, and E and O. Of course, E was just copying what she saw everyone else do. She's smart like that.

Here's Paw Paw Ed, MM, and Mary Katherine (my sis-in-law). Yes, we have the same name. We are super-cool people. It does get a tad confusing though when you go to vote and they try to convince you that you are, in fact, the Mary Katherine Mathews that lives in Moundville, even though you know that you are, in fact, the Mary Kathryn Mathews that lives in Tuscaloosa.

O decided he would call the game so Kent and MK could play. It's okay though, they're married. (seriously, all you single ladies out there- just have a big twister party a-la Carrie Bradshaw in the episode with Bon Jovi. Anyone else seen that SATC?)

White Maw Maw and MM enjoying the twister fun...

which brings us to today. This little cutie was in my lap as I started typing, so I shot a pic with my iphone app, Shake it photo. I seriously recommend this to all you iphone carriers because it automatically adds a photoshop-ish effect to your photos, not to mention the white border around the whole thing. I usually only go for the free apps, and I think this one actually costs a buck, but it's worth every penny. (and sorry I got so much of my boob in the shot. I really only wanted to get MM, but it's difficult to take the shot with the phone aiming at yourself and try not to get yourself in it...)

The hubs is finally off nights and was able to eat lunch with O today at school. (Did I mention that I missed him?) When we came home, he was hard at work filling in a massive hole/slopey-down-place in our driveway. I LOVE it when he tackles big projects like this. He's quite manly.

Even though he struck a pose like this just seconds later. Mr. Brent was helping out.

And...one last thing. Stopped at that antique store on the way home yesterday because I kept thinking about this hideous mirror that I just KNEW I could turn into something pretty. It was marked $20, but again- it was 20% off, so I got a pretty big framed mirror for $16. Here's a before 'ugly' shot, and hopefully soon I'll have a pretty 'after'. (and aren't you digging O's awesome Spiderman place mats?)
I recommend turquoise... it makes everything pretty :-)
I totally agree with the turquoise. I'm planning a trip to the hob lob tonight since I currently only have blk and white spray paint.
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